
PGY 5 Residents


Thomas Fox, MD


Hometown, State

Birmingham, AL

Medical School

Tulane University

Academic Area of Interest

Critical Care, Social EM

Why LSU?

New Orleans, fellow residents

Favorite thing about NOLA

Live music, festivals


Soccer, running, music, beer

Christopher Hayden, MD


Hometown, State

Fort Worth, TX

Medical School

American University of the Caribbean

Academic Area of Interest

EMS, Critical Care, Disaster Medicine

Why LSU?

Pathology is awesome and my fellow residents are amazing.

Favorite thing about NOLA

Bucket drummers


Hanging with my wife kids, bowling with the side rails up

Mayra Ramirez, MD



Hometown, State

Sayerville, NJ

Medical School

New York Medical College

Academic Area of Interest

Peds/EM, International Medicine, Social EM

Why LSU?

Great co-residents, they are the BEST!! Trauma. The patient population. Combined PEDS/EM porgram.

Favorite thing about NOLA

Family, countless festivals to attend including food festivals! No snow!


Hiking, tennis, traveling, going to COMIC CON, binge watching netflix, concerts, arts and crafts